
Upcoming Events:

Planning for a healthy, resilient, secure, and prosperous food economy



Wednesday March 26, 2025 | 6-8pm | 1295 E Bakerview Rd

Whatcom County is updating the 2025 Comprehensive Plan, and we want your input to advocate for a plan that reflects the needs of our communities. Join Whatcom Food Network and Community to Community Development on Wednesday March 26 from 6-8pm at 1295 E Bakerview Rd for a working session focused on the intersection of the food system and comp plan update.

Comprehensive plans are the centerpiece of local government planning efforts. These are long-term plans which articulate a community vision through a series of goals, objectives, policies, and actions that guide the day-to-day decisions of elected officials and local government staff. Whatcom County’s Food System Committee has been given drafts of the updates in process, and they will be making recommendations on that draft to county staff in early April. 

We will be focusing on Goal 7L of the plan: Strengthen the local food system and take steps to improve conditions for a healthy, resilient, secure, and prosperous food economy. This session is intended to collect your comments and feedback to share with the Food System Committee who will incorporate your suggestions in their recommendations.

You can find the full text of the goal here.

This is a great chance to engage with local government processes in a setting that is welcoming, interactive, and with others who share your values of a thriving local food system. We hope to see you there! 

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The Whatcom Food Network Listserv is a great forum to communicate with other WFN members and individuals across all sectors of our local food system. We would like to invite you to use it so that you can easily share info, events, ideas, and opportunities. It’s a great way to get the word out.

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Step 4: You will see a screen directing you to select your subscription frequency (how often you want to have messages sent to you from the group), and to share your reason for wanting to join. Answer the questions and then click “Ask to join” at the bottom of the screen.

Step: 5: A listserv manager will review and approve your membership.

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